Purpose Elixir


Three herbal tinctures infused into organic agave nectar plus different flower and stone essences for a sweet, uplifting elixir. This blend is my go-to when I need to stay in touch with my sense of self and purpose.

Sage, tulsi, and rosemary tinctures to help with mental clarity, focus, energy, and motivation.

Noni flower essence for activating your will, motivation, and desire to be well. Brings acceptance of your self and compassion for your journey.

Caldera environmental essence for catalyzing movement through self-defeating patterns such as procrastination, distraction, or inertia. Reminds you of the power you have to shape and remold your reality.

Lava stone essence for burning away resistance to fulfilling your soul’s purpose. Allows inner passion and potency to fuel the expression of your unique talents and gifts.

Mimosa flower essence for encouraging creativity and clarity. Helps to lift our hearts in moments of anxiety, stress, or grief, and make room for joy to re-enter.

Organic agave nectar for some sweetness to make difficult days or tasks a bit lighter.

Comes in a 1oz bottle with dropper.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sage, tulsi, and rosemary tinctures, noni flower essence, caldera environmental essence, lava stone essence, mimosa flower essence, and agave nectar.